

Nicole Lockwood

Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Science and Second-Fifth Grade Garden Teacher

NNicole Lockwood received her credential and master’s degree in teaching from City University of Seattle in 2008. She has been working as an educator in the Bay Area since 2012 and holds a California multiple subject teaching credential. Before coming to BPC, she taught third and fourth grades at a suburban public school near Seattle. She also worked as a private math and science teacher, and directed programs and wrote curriculum for Sarah’s Science. Additionally, she taught about ecosystems, watersheds, sustainability, and stewardship to hundreds of students from diverse school populations at Islandwood, a 250-acre outdoor learning center on Bainbridge Island, WA. Nicole spends part of each summer teaching a course on tropical rainforests to second graders at the University of California at Berkeley’s Academic Talent Development Program (ATDP), and running a five-day science camp with her mom (a retired teacher) in Santa Cruz.  Nicole holds a B.A. in theater arts from Southern Oregon University, and founded a company called Artattack Theater Ensemble, which she managed for five years in Ashland, Oregon. She brings her passion and experience in hands-on, minds-on learning to all of her teaching endeavors. Nicole joined the BPC faculty in 2018.

Teaching Since





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Why I Work with Children

Working with children keeps me on my toes and in the moment. It’s a creative outlet and requires that I am clear-headed and focused. Most of the time I am energized by the challenges that arise.

A Favorite Book

One of my favorite children’s series, is A Series of Unfortunate Events . I appreciate that they feature a girl who is an inventor, and that libraries and language play prominent roles in the stories. My son and I both have expanded our vocabularies reading these dark and delightful books together.

Quick Fact

Apprenticed at the National Theater of Croatia

Other Faculty for This Grade

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Aïda attended the same elementary school as opera tenor Josep Carreras.

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Ana Sellers

Ana Sellers

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Minimalism is my favorite art movement.

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Chelsea Feldman

Chelsea Feldman

First Grade Head Teacher, Kindergarten and First Grade Garden Teacher

Learning to play the Celtic Harp and studying Irish Gaelic

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Cheryl Sumsion

Fourth-Sixth Grade Music Teacher

Tamed a mechanical bull in Nashville, Tennessee.

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Dan Hughes

Dan Hughes

Fourth Grade Head Teacher

When I was 16, I spent three days in the South African bush with just my journal, water, and sleeping bag.

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Dina Weinshelbaum

Dina Weinshelbaum

First-Third Grade Cello Teacher

Toured with the Western Opera Theater for eight years

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Elizabeth Rivera

Kindergarten Assistant Teacher

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Grace Reinhalter

Grace Reinhalter

First Grade Assistant Teacher

As a child, I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up.

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Jamie Xayachack

Second Grade Assistant Teacher

Favorite dish to make and eat is “Sin Nam Thok”

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Ke Williams

Ke Williams

Kindergarten Head Teacher

Where I was born, now stands a Yoda statue

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Kim Livingston

Lower School Art Teacher

Started clowning at age 9

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Lessley Bender

Lessley Bender

Fourth Grade Assistant Teacher

Bicycled across the U.S. in 2014!

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Michael Feferman

Lower School Physical Education Teacher

Has developed a secret pizza sauce

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Owen Roberts

Kindergarten-Third Grade Music Teacher

Was a college volleyball coach

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Rachel Durling

Rachel Durling

First-Third Grade Violin Teacher

Played at the Grammys

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Rem Djemilev

BPC String Orchestra Leader

Creates musical arrangements for fun

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Romina Ronquillo

Romina Ronquillo

Second Grade Head Teacher, Lower School Assistant Teacher Coordinator

Mad for dancing

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Sandy Brumbaum

Sandy Brumbaum

Fifth Grade Head Teacher

Rescued a pug-mix puppy named Soba

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Simon Gaughan

Simon Gaughan

Fifth Grade Assistant Teacher

Trying to re-learn Spanish

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Tess Leverenz

Tess Leverenz

Third Grade Head Teacher

Took three and a half months to bike across the country with my husband

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